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Inside Out 2: Exploring Children’s Emotions In Modern Realities

The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved animated film Inside Out 2 is set to hit the screens this June, and it couldn’t be more timely. As we navigate through an ever-changing world, the emotions depicted in the movie resonate deeply with children and adults alike.

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Exploring Your Baby Development at 1 Year Old

The baby development at 1 year embark on a remarkable journey of development, marked by numerous milestones. At this stage, your little love one is transitioning from infancy to toddlerhood, demonstrating newfound skills and abilities that showcase their growing independence and curiosity about the world around

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child playing

Play-Based Learning Joyful Engagement while Holiday

What do you think of when you hear the word “play”? Maybe you imagine children running around, laughing and having fun. Or maybe you think of toys, games, puzzles and crafts. Play its actually a powerful tool for learning and brain development, especially for young children.

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